UTS Open Privacy Notice

UTS Open is used by University of Technology Sydney (ABN 77 257 686 961; CRICOS Provider No: 00099F) (UTS) and accessUTS Pty Ltd (ABN 55 098 424 312) (referred also to “we”, “us” or “our” in this Notice). UTS Open provides courses for learning and development. When visiting the UTS Open website, information may be collected about your visit and will be handled in line with the UTS general website privacy statement.


Collecting your information

We will collect information about you when you register an account with UTS Open. This includes your name and contact details, login details to manage your account, and your student ID number if you are a past or existing student of UTS. If you enrol in a course, additional information will also be collected relating to payment for the course where relevant, and your progress and completion of the course. Where payment is required, UTS does not hold copies of your credit card details. Payments are referred through a secure payment gateway.

Other information may be collected where it is relevant to the course you have enrolled in. This may include dietary requirements for face-to-face courses. Additional information may also be required to recognise prior learning, or for Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses.

As well as collecting information directly from you, there may be occasions when we collect information about you from a third party. For example, where another organisation has enrolled you, is paying for your course on your behalf, or is sponsoring your enrolment.

We process your information:

  • in connection with our agreement with you when you enrol into a course through UTS Online.
  • with your consent. For example, where you have opted in to receive marketing information (see also marketing below).
  • if it is necessary in our interests as a public authority, or the legitimate interests of others, in providing services to you.

Using your information

Your information is used:

  • to enable you to enrol, pay where applicable, and complete courses.
  • to administer your participation in and completion of your course.
  • to communicate with you in relation to your course, your account, or the services being provided to you.
  • to provide you a personal learning experience. This may include recommending specific courses to meet your needs, as well as communicating with you in relation to your progress and course completion.
  • to support further short course purchases.
  • to support your enrolment with us into a more formal degree.
  • for any required mandatory reporting required by law or under a contract. For example, reporting obligations for VET courses.
  • for quality improvement and planning activities. For example, in relation to the UTS Open platform, the programs and course offerings and outcomes and for our operational and strategic planning activities. This may involve sending feedback surveys, reviewing trends from course interest through to completion, and for purposes related to furthering your studies with UTS.
  • if required, to review and investigate a complaint, disciplinary or misconduct matter. It may also be used where relevant for an audit or other investigation.


You have the option when registering an account of opting in to being provided other information on courses, events, or opportunities to study at UTS and related services. You can unsubscribe to any marketing provided from this platform by changing your preferences within the platform or following the unsubscribe instructions provided in relevant emails. If you unsubscribe, you may still receive emails from us if you have given your contact details for other reasons. You may also receive online advertising from other types of advertising campaigns. See the Student Marketing & Recruitment Privacy Notice.

Disclosing your information

Your information may be disclosed in the following situations:

  • We will authenticate and verify any credential or qualification that you claim to have received from UTS. This includes any courses completed through the UTS Open platform. The verification process is designed to protect the integrity of credentials and support students in proving they hold the credentials they claim to have.
  • Information may be disclosed to the organisation that has enrolled you, is paying for your course on your behalf, or is sponsoring your enrolment. For example, where your organisation has engaged us to deliver a training program to their personnel. Information disclosed in this situation may include course attendance, participation, results, completion, payment and other relevant information.
  • Information may be disclosed to the organisation who has partnered with us to provide the course you are enrolled in through UTS Open. Information disclosed in this situation may include you progress and completion of the course and any feedback. Further details of any additional requirements will be provided to course participants when they enrol in any relevant course.
  • If your course is a VET course, reporting obligations will apply. See also the section under Vocational Education and Training below.
  • Information may be disclosed where it is relevant to a review or investigation into a complaint, disciplinary or misconduct matter. It may also be disclosed if necessary for an internal or external audit or investigation.

Your information will not be disclosed otherwise unless required or permitted by law.

Vocational Education and Training courses

Some courses provided through UTS Open are VET accredited courses. VET accredited courses will require us to collect additional information from you. How the additional information will be used or disclosed will be included in relevant course information. This will be available to you when you enrol.

Managing your information

Your information is stored on our behalf by service providers who are contracted by us to provide the UTS Open platform. Your information is only accessed by those providers where required to resolve issues on our behalf.

We will keep your personal information until it is no longer required for the purposes described in this Notice. We may also be required to keep your information under a legal retention requirement for a longer period of time. For example, where you have enrolled in a course of study. Once no longer required, your information will be destroyed.

Making requests and managing your information

You can access and correct your information by logging into your account through UTS Open. If you can’t access or amend your information this way, send your request to the contact details below.

In some cases you may be able to restrict or object to how your information is processed, or request that your information be deleted. Any such requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Deletion requests will take into consideration any legal retention requirements that apply.

If you have a complaint relating to how your information is processed or being handled you can refer your complaint to the contact below.

If you have any other requests under this section they can also be referred to the contact below.


If you have any questions about this Notice or how your information is managed, or you wish to make a complaint, contact support@open.uts.edu.au. You can also phone +61 2 9514 2912 or +61 2 9514 2913.

Further information

For further information about your privacy, including the university’s privacy contacts, see privacy at UTS.

This notice may be updated at any time and will be available online through the UTS Open portal. You should periodically review UTS Open to make sure you are aware of our current practices.


UTS Open Privacy Notice v.0.5