Assessment task 1: Report (individual) - weighting: 50%
Participants will be provided with data regarding the minimum, maximum and most likely completion times for several tasks that comprise a project. Based on the data provided, participants are required to develop an Excel-based Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the completion time of the project. The simulation should include a graph of cumulative probability as a function of elapsed time. Participants will be required to compose a short report based on the simulation (500 words max, excluding appendices).
Assessment task 2: Report (individual) - weighting: 50%
Participants will be provided with the transcript of a mining company’s board meeting. The assessment task requires participants to:
(i) Develop an issue map of the meeting using the IBIS notation. The map should focus on identifying the options discussed, arguments for and against them and the criteria for making the decision.
(ii) Write a report, showing how you developed the map. See the following post for an example
(iii) Using the provided template, do a pairwise comparison to rate the identified options. (Note: while each participant will make a subjective choice as to which option is preferred in each comparison, individual ratings should be guided by the dialogue and each sheet must be internally consistent).
Participants must achieve at least 50% of the course’s total marks and complete all assessments.