Over five weeks, participants will engage in activities and experiences that interface with their professional settings or lives. You will be encouraged to explore and trial practices, perspectives, approaches and techniques imaginatively with work colleagues or people in your life, facilitating diverse conversations and the potential for anticipated or emerging action.
Areas of exploration include:
- Transdisciplinary learning concepts and approaches for tackling complex challenges
- Multidisciplinary techniques for thinking and seeing differently
- Learning as change and change as development
- A contemporary view of generative learning
- Collective learning environments to catalyse agency and change.
Please contact us at td.learning@uts.edu.au if you have any questions about the course content, delivery or requirements.
Course delivery
This course is designed to provide you with self-paced, creative, online experiences that engage you with key ideas and practices associated with transdisciplinary learning and change.
Participants will explore approaches, perspectives and knowledge from different fields and trial them in their professional practice or in other situations. The relevance and worth of these ideas will be tested, and participants will be tasked with generating transdisciplinary learning opportunities within their particular setting.
The learning and assessments are personalised to be directly related to participant’s practical on-the-job and day-to-day experiences. As part of the assessment process, participants are mentored individually, enabling them to expand their ideas in forward-looking and powerful ways. This microcredential will challenge you to be an agent of change.