Course structure
The following content will be covered during the course:
Session 1
- Introduction to BCA Volume 1
- Overview of approvals legislation and private certification
- Part A3 (building classification) of BCA
- Section C (fire resistance) of BCA
- Concept of performance based regulations.
Session 2
- Section C (fire resistance) of BCA finalised
- Part D1 (provision for escape) of BCA
- Part D2 (construction of exits) of BCA
- Part E1 (fire fighting equipment) of BCA.
Session 3
- Review of Section C and D and Part E1 of BCA
- Part E2 (smoke hazard management) of BCA
- Part E3 (lifts) of BCA
- Part E4 (emergency lighting, exit signs and warning systems) of BCA.
Session 4
- Maintenance of fire safety measures
- Section F (weather proofing, sanitation, room sizes) of BCA
- Section F (light and ventilation, insulation, sound transmission) of BCA
- Certification issues (Part 4A of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act).
Session 5
- Section H (Entertainment venues) of BCA
- Fire safety upgrading
- Change of use and alterations and additions
- General overview and summary.
Learning outcomes
At the completion of this course, participants will have:
- Working knowledge of the theory and practice of building regulation in NSW
- A clear understanding of the format of the Building Code of Australia
- The ability to research, interpret and apply planning instruments and the Building Code of Australia for the regulation of large and complex buildings
- Increased awareness and knowledge of streetscape and urban design issues involved in building regulation.
Full price: $2,875 (GST-free)*
*Price subject to change. Please check price at time of purchase.
Delivery style
Advanced Building Regulation will be delivered as an interactive workshop consisting of an instructor-led lecture, group and individual activities. This training approach allows participants to work through concepts introduced by the trainer in an application-focused teaching environment. Participants will challenge their understanding of the concepts and consider their application once back in their individual workplace.
In-house training solutions
This course can also be customised and delivered in-house. Find out more >
Enrolment conditions
COVID-19 information
UTS is undertaking a number of social distancing initiatives, as informed by NSW Health advice, to help reduce social interactions in support of the government’s efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19. As part of this response, some of our short courses may be postponed to a later date.
Please note however, bookings are open for all courses offered by the Institute for Public Policy and Governance (IPPG). If a course needs to be postponed, participants will have the chance to transfer to a later date, a new course or request a full refund. IPPG will also be offering a range of online or blended learning options facilitated via zoom video conferencing. If you have any questions in the interim, please do not hesitate to contact our team at